2023 Get Into Your Sanctuary Photo Contest Results

Below are the winners and honorable mentions for the Sanctuaries at Home category. Thank you to all those who participated! Click each photograph to see the full version.

Please note that we may use any of the photos we received for this contest on our website, on social media, and in other NOAA and National Marine Sanctuary Foundation publications. We will provide credit to photographers whenever we use any of the photos. Organizations other than NOAA and the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation may use photographs submitted in this contest to promote sustainable and responsible activities in the National Marine Sanctuary System, as long as the photographer is credited. These photos are not for sale and are not for commercial use unless prior permission is arranged.

Sanctuaries at Home

While it’s important to get outside, experience nature, and recreate responsibly, we know that many of us spent more time at home this year. Through art, stewardship activities from home, and responsible water-based recreation photographers shared how they connected with national marine sanctuaries from afar.

Boats on calm waters at sunset with sunset reflecting into the water.
1st Place: Laurie Santoro. Mill Pond in Chatham, MA at sunset.
A game of sunset
                                catch at Jockey's Ridge State Park in the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
2nd Place: Tina Morrison. A game of sunset catch at Jockey's Ridge State Park in the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
Child uses sea turtle toys and other toy instruments during play to learn to protect sea turtles.
3rd Place: Jenn Fletcher. Learning and play can go hand in hand. An aspiring marine biologist practices measuring and counting toy sea turtle hatchlings and "eggs" at home.

Honorable Mentions

A house right on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean. A few boats are floating in the water near their house.
Home overlooking the water near Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary.
An orange, blue and yellow sunset being reflected against glassy-flat water.
Sunset in Forked River, NJ.
A waterskiier being towed behind a boat with grey storm clouds gathering in the sky.
Wakeboarding in the Loxahatchee River just before a storm came in.
The sunset over a treeline reflecting along the water.
Sunset in Forked River, NJ.
A hand-drawn image of a whale, jellyfish, and stingrays swimming around near the ocean floor.
Artwork of life under the sea.
Watercolor with two stenciled images of green sea turtles; surrounded by the freehand written SANCTUARY and Scriptures with the words 'Sea' in them; coconut husk and two Pu'a blossoms 
                                    representing American Samoa; multimedia art of acrylic paint blue and white wave
                                    background with a mosaic green sea turtle upcycled from broken sea glass removed
                                    from the sand during oceanside clean-up; paper and crayon sea turtle showing hearts
                                    representing love of nature and sanctuary.
Artwork inspired by a turn on the word "sanctuary" in the spiritual sense, original meaning "holy"/"set apart" or "worship place." This piece was inspired by Fagatele Bay near Tafuna, American Samoa- a place "set apart" for marine creatures; the beauty compels "worship".
Mosaic sea turtle made from broken glass from beach clean up; sea turtles painted on tote bag;
                                paper and crayon sea turtle; sea turtle cut from elei printed fabric with Samoan design.
Green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) inspired mixed media art from Tafuna, American Samoa.
Painting of a solo orca (killer whale).
Black and white orca (Orcinus orca) painting.
A child uses toy sea turtles and a clipboard during her play time to learn how to protect sea turtles.
Learning and play can go hand in hand. An aspiring marine biologist practices counting toy sea turtle eggs.
A child is seen running along the beach as waves
                                crash in the background, the wind tossing her blonde hair.
Child running on the beach at Stage Harbor, Chatham, MA.
The reflection of a group shows upside down through a glass orb.
Interesting view through the looking glass.
A calm lake reflects the image of the yellow trees that sit on the waters edge.
Lake Bob Sandlin in Bob Sandlin State Park, Texas.

Please note that we may use any of the photos we received for this contest on our website, on social media, and in other NOAA and National Marine Sanctuary Foundation publications. We will provide credit to photographers whenever we use any of the photos. Organizations other than NOAA and the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation may use photographs submitted in this contest to promote sustainable and responsible Views in the National Marine Sanctuary System. These photos are not for sale and are not for commercial use unless prior permission is arranged.