Education Project Evaluation - Implementing - Budget

photo of students monitoring a lake

Budgeting for an evaluation can be challenging because the cost is largely dependent on the design and the skills you have in-house. Federal granting agencies currently recommend that about 10% of your project budget be dedicated to evaluation.

When budgeting, you should consider the following:

  • Staff time (salary & benefits)
  • Consultant time
  • Respondents time (especially if paying or offering an incentive)
  • Travel costs
  • Communication costs (especially for phone interviews or online survey services)
  • Printing/copying
  • Equipment (if audio or video taping interviews)
  • Supplies (computers and software)
  • Annual inflation increases (if project is for more than one year)

The Evaluation Center at Western Michigan University offers a checklist for developing and evaluating evaluation budgets. You can get a copy at Budgeting Checklist.