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Planning for Sustainable Tourism in MPAs: ETPS Training 1, Isla Gorgona, Colombia November 6-18th, 2006

NOAA, in a joint effort with Conservation International, UNESCO, National Parks of Colombia, and the Malpelo Foundation, conducted a Planning for Sustainable Tourism Management Capacity Building training on Gorgona Island in Colombia from November 6-18th, 2006. The forty workshop participants included managers, staff, and sustainable tourism operators from marine and terrestrial protected areas in Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador. Each of the ten participating sites developed a framework for addressing their priority tourism issues. From this framework, each site developed a demonstration project that will be implemented over the next year, with quarterly reporting to the group on progress made. Below you will find the curriculum materials for the workshop in English and Spanish as well as instructor biographies and examples of site demonstration projects.

Some of the documents below are in PDF format. Click here to download the free acrobat reader. Some of these documents are very large. Please be sure to download them to your system as opposed to opening via the browser window.



Instructor Biographies

Planning for Sustainable Tourism Final Workshop Report (1.1MB)

Sustainable Tourism Demonstration Projects:
Cocos - Demonstration Project
Coiba - Demonstration Project
Galapagos - Demonstration Project
(coming soon)
Las Baulas
Machalilla - Demonstration Project
Malpelo - Demonstration Project
Marine Corridor (CMAR)


Manual de Entrenamiento

Instructor Biographies
(viene pronto)

Informe final de Taller
(viene pronto)

Sustainable Tourism Demonstration Projects:
Cocos - Proyecto de Muestra
Coiba - Proyecto de Muestra
Galapagos - Proyecto de Muestra
Gorgona (viene pronto)

Las Baulas - Proyecto de Muestra
Machalilla - Proyecto de Muestra
Malpelo - Proyecto de Muestra
Marine Corridor (CMAR)

Memorias: (workshop notes)
Dia 1
Dia 2
Dia 3
Dia 4
Dia 5
Dia 6
Dia 7
Dia 8
Dia 9
Dia 10

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