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Fagatele Bay: Kids Gallery

student drawing

Vaotupu, South Pacific Academy - K-5

One of the greatest threats currently facing Fagatele Bay as well as much of
                         Samoa's coastal waters, is the rapid depletion of fish stocks by poaching through
                         the use of gill netting, spearfishing, poison and dynamite. In addition, the
                         sanctuary staff is concerned with the potential for algal blooms to occur with
                         subsequent incidents of hypoxia (extremely low dissolved oxygen in the water) due
student drawing

Margaret, South Pacific Academy - Grade 2

student drawing

Fa'ai'uga, Lupelele Elementary School - Grade 8

student drawing

Patrick, Leone High School - Grade 11

student drawing

Murphy, Manumalo Baptist School - Grade 4

student drawing

Shaylene, Pacific Horizons School - Grade 1

student drawing

Ursula, Fa'asao High School - Grade 11

student drawing

Fania, Lupelele Elementary School - Grade 5

student drawing

Ryan, Marist High School - Grade 12

student drawing

Chase, Pacific Horizons School - Grade 3

student drawing

Pioli, Taputapu Elementary School - Grade 6

student drawing

Blessing, Olomoana (Aoa) Elementary School - Grade 7

student drawing

Blessing, Olomoana (Aoa) Elementary School - Grade 7

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