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After a classroom presentation on the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, San Francisco Bay Area children were asked to write poems to express what they had learned. To thank Sanctuary staff for coming to talk to the class, many also sent in drawings of what they remembered. A few of those selections are represented here.


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Kids Gallery

"Gray whales and their calves migrate through the Sanctuary" -- by Beth, Farallon View Elementary.



Lying on the soft sand
Hearing the water splish and splashing,
Against big rocks,
Water splashing on you,
With a beautiful and lovely sky above you,
The sky is like a giant painting over you,
The moon is full and bright.

by Brenton, 5th Grade


Water, water everywhere,
going nowhere but despair,
Green and blue everywhere,
Treat the ocean with care!

by Candice, Portola School

"California sea lions haul out on the rocky shores of the Farallon Islands" -- by Kaitra, Farallon View Elementary.


"Deep Water"

Dolphins dive in
Deep deep water
They swim in the deep blue sea
Near the islands Farallon.

by Ana Rosa, 4th grade, West Marin School

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