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Training Objectives

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Short-term Program Objectives

  1. Develop a Regional Advisory Council for each regional pilot training to advise and provide direction for the pilot project

  2. Establish partnerships with NGOs that have an active local and regional presence in the implementation of the pilot project

  3. Provide on-going support for each training participant to carry out their “implementation contract”, applying specific skills and knowledge learned through the training at their site or network level

  4. Train mentors in each pilot project region to maintain coordination and communication between regional MPAs

  5. Implement a follow-up program to ensure integration of training program lessons into site management.


Long-term Outcomes

Once the project has been completed and the MPA Management Capacity Building Training Program fully implemented, the long term outcomes include the following:

  1. An on-going program is developed and made easily accessible to all MPA staff worldwide, within a regional context.

  2. A broad range of timely and topical core courses appropriate to the designation, implementation, and effective management of networks of MPAs will be developed

  3. MPA Management Capacity is secured a the local and regional level

  4. Competency standards established for MPA staff

  5. Communication links are established and maintained on a regional level

  6. Regional and global efforts to meet the target date of 2012 to develop a global network of MPAs are supported

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