Minimize the risk of stings by using puncture-proof gloves. Firmly grasp the dead lionfish by its head to avoid the venomous spines. Gloves will also protect your hands from irritation by non-venomous bones on the head.
First Aid
If stung, seek medical attention promptly. Check for and remove any obvious pieces of spine left in the wound. Apply hot water to the wound (as hot as one can stand without scalding) until the pain subsides. Common symptoms of most stings include pain and swelling. In extreme cases, skin necrosis and paralysis can occur.
The dorsal, anal and pelvic spines are venomous. These spines can be removed with kitchen shears or clippers. Once the spines are removed the lionfish can be cleaned like any other fish.
Lionfish is a delicious, delicately flavored fish, which can be prepared many different ways. The taste and texture has been compared to highly regarded snapper or hogfish.
Check out the video
Lionfish on the Loose!