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June 22 - June 28
Continued rough seas with large swells at the site delayed construction efforts June 22 through 26. The contractor was able to place replacement exclusion buoys around the site to alert boaters to the dangers of the work zone.
On June 27, the crew was able to return to the site and remove algae that had grown on the materials placed at sites 18A and 7A before the long weather delay. Cleaning the surfaces will ensure that concrete will adhere properly when it is poured. Preparation work was begun on site 6A. Also, new chafing gear was installed on the one barge mooring buoy where it had not been previously placed, to prevent rough seas from causing wear and breakage of the mooring buoy lines.
On June 28 the contractors finished work at sites 7A, 12A and 18A. Sites 7A and 18A were both furnished with reef modules and secured with tremie concrete. Site 12A under went the "puddle pour" process to fill and seal a deep depression in the reef structure caused by the Wellwood grounding.
The NOAA crew gave the UESI crew a big round of applause late Friday afternoon for their outstanding effort and their craftsmanship that is so evident in the photos.
UESI had to pull the work barge off the site at 9 a.m., June 29, as sea conditions worsened again in the Northern Keys.

A UESI diver is pouring the special underwater, non-separable, (tremie) concrete into the Module at Site 18A. The end of the 4 inch hose is held under the surface of the rising concrete as the basin gradually fills to it's desired depth. The next step is to place selected rocks into the soft concrete. Click image for 300 dpi version. (photo: Coastal Planning and Engineering)

UESI diver is preparing site 18A for the "rock dressing" (placing selected rocks into the newly poured concrete for natural apperance and breakup). Click image for 300 dpi version. (photo: Coastal Planning and Engineering)

Site 18A completed! Click image for 300 dpi version.
(photo: Coastal Planning and Engineering)

After the reef depression was filled at site 12A, a UESI diver places a heavy rock into the newly poured tremie concrete. Click image for 300 dpi version.
(photo: Coastal Planning and Engineering)

Site 12A completed! Click image for 300 dpi version.
(photo: Coastal Planning and Engineering)

With the module secure and the natural rocks spread....Site 7A sites completed. Click image for 300 dpi version.
(photo: Coastal Planning and Engineering)