Joint Management Plan Review


Joint Management Plan Review (JMPR)

Getting Involved

Scoping Meeting & Dates

Summary of Scoping Meeting Comments

Priority Issues New!

Sanctuary Advisory Council Meetings
& Workshops

JMPR Process & Schedule



Current Sanctuary Management Plans & Regulations

State of the Sanctuary Reports

CA Biogeographic Assessment

Press Releases & Notices

Your Comments

Links to Sanctuary Websites

 Cordell Bank, Gulf of the Farallones & Monterey Bay
National Marine Sanctuaries

JMPR Report on SAC Issue Prioritization Workshops (683kb PDF)

Sanctuary Advisory Council Meetings

The National Marine Sanctuary Program regards the involvement of communities and the development of a stewardship ethic as vitally important to successfully protect Sanctuary resources. One key way to achieve this involvement is the formation of Sanctuary Advisory Councils (SACs). Most sanctuaries have established SACs to assure continued public participation in the management of the Sanctuary. Their main purpose is to provide the Sanctuary Manager (or Superintendent) and NOAA with advice and recommendations on issues affecting the sanctuary.

Dedicated Council members have laid a strong foundation for the Sanctuary's structure policies, and procedures. Sanctuary goals to promote research, education and resource protection are a major focus for the Councils, and members work diligently to promote public stewardship. The Councils have proven to be a powerful voice for the general public, responding to citizen concerns, ideas and needs. The Councils provide a public forum for its constituents, work to enhance communications, and provide a conduit for bringing the concerns of user groups and stakeholders to the attention of Sanctuary managers and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Monterey Bay NMS Sanctuary Advisory Council
(visit the MBNMS SAC website for meeting schedules)

Next Meeting: June 7th in the Monterey Area to prioritize site-specific issues from scoping (details TBD)

Contact: Sean Morton, MBNMS, (831) 647-4217

Cordell Bank NMS Sanctuary Advisory Council

Next meeting: April 22nd in Pt. Reyes to prioritize site-specific issues from scoping (details TBD)

Contact: Anne Walton, CBNMS, (415) 561-6622 x 203

Gulf of the Farallones NMS Advisory Council

Next Meeting: April 25th in the Marin Headlands to prioritize site-specific issues from scoping (details TBD)

Contact: Anne Walton, GFNMS, (415) 561-6622 x 203

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