Asuemu Fuimaono, a landowner in Fagatele Bay, under a sign detailing what are considered to be violations in the sanctuary. (photo: Nancy Daschbach)

Children interested in the
wildlife they see on the beach at Fagatele Bay.
(photo: Kip Evans)

A man and two boys tending
the umu, or underground oven. Traditionally,
men did much of the cooking. (photo: Kip

Two boys bringing out the
cooked taro and breadfruit. (photo: Kip

Samoan song and dance. Flag
Day, 1998. (photo: Kip Evans)

Diver above some plate coral,
Acorpora hycinthus. (photo: Kip

Diver. (photo: Kip

Diver above coral
(Porites) that was fractured by dynamite.
Dynamite, prohibited in Fagatele Bay, is used
to stun or kill fish for either food or the
tropical fish trade. (photo: Kip Evans)

Dr. Charles Birkeland
photographing coral damaged by dynamite fishing.
Dynamite fishing is prohibited in Fagatele Bay.
(photo: Kip Evans)

Dr. Charles Birkeland
surveying a coral transect in Fagatele Bay. (photo:
Kip Evans)

Dr. Charles Birkeland
surveying a coral transect. (photo: Kip

Diver taking notes about the
condition of the coral within a sampling site. The
area with the square around it is the sampling
site. (photo: Kip Evans)

Two divers place a mooring
buoy in the sanctuary. Mooring buoys allow boats to
tie onto them, in order to prevent anchor damage to
living coral. (photo: Mike Smith)

Reef survey after Hurricane
Val in 1992. The survey was taken to assess the
damage that the hurricane caused to the reef.
(photo: Harold Hudson)

More coral damage from a
dynamite blast. (photo: Nancy Daschbach)

This is the 70 ft. sampling
site for temperature loggers in Fagatele Bay.
(photo: Nancy Daschbach)

Le Tausagi doing a skit for a
village group. Le Tausagi is an interdepartmental
group of environmental educators who work together
to bring their message to the public. (photo: Kip

The first EnviroDiscoveries
summer camp held in 1993 in Futiga village. (photo:
Nancy Daschbach)

Samoan Day at South Pacific
Academy. (photo: Kip Evans)