To receive the latest announcements about upcoming distance learning opportunities, as well as educator and student opportunities and resources, be sure to sign up to the Sanctuary Education list serv.

For Teachers
The NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries aims to provide teachers with resources and training to support ocean literacy in America's classrooms.

Ocean Guardian Programs
Ocean Guardian programs encourage children to explore their natural surroundings to form a sense of personal connection to the ocean and/or watersheds in which they live.

Sanctuaries 360° Virtual Reality Lessons
Sanctuaries 360° is a collection of immersive underwater experiences to bring America’s underwater treasures to viewers all over the world. Check out the virtual reality videos and 360° immersive photos to explore your national marine sanctuaries from the comfort of our home.

Games and Activities
Games, coloring pages, and fun activities to help you learn about the National Marine Sanctuaries.

Education Strategic Plan
Learn more about our education vision and mission, and download our Education Strategic Plan 2010-2020.

2024 Education Infographic
Every day, our educators share the treasures of the National Marine Sanctuary System with the public. We work to engage, inspire, and connect people with these special places and spark wonder in visitors young and old. In 2024, we worked with more than 58,123 students and 10,257 educators.
Education at your Sanctuary

Find out what's happening in education at your local sanctuary
West Coast Region
Pacific Islands Region