An elephant seal
basking in the warmth of the infrequent
sun on Southeast Farallon Island. (photo:
Jan Roletto)

A California sea
lion relaxes at the surface in the
nearshore waters of the Gulf of the
Farallones. (photo: Jan

Stellar sea lions
are one of several endangered species
making a comeback in the Gulf of the
Farallones. From the size of the male in
this photo, one can see how they were
named after lions. (photo: Bob

Barnacles encroach
upon the blowholes of a California gray
whale. Barnacles are typical on gray
whales and do not hurt them. Barnacles
give the whales their characteristic
mottled appearance. (photo: Jan

Explosive jumpers,
Pacific white-sided dolphins can often be
seen by the thousands in Sanctuary waters.
(photo: Tom Kieckhefer)

A nineteen foot
white shark cruises the waters around SE
Farallon searching for its next meal of an
unsuspecting juvenile elephant seal.
October is the peak month for shark
attactks in this region. (photo: Scot
Anderson) - click on image to read

In a behavior study
conducted at the Farallon Islands, a white
shark attacks a float rigged with a radio
transmitter. The hope is that the shark
will ingest the transmitter, enabling
scientists to track its whereabouts for an
extended period of time (photo: Scot

Blue rockfish
Sebastes mystinus hover nearshore
amidst long stipes of bull whip kelp. The
school moves with the gentle ebb and flow
of the water as the mop-like fronds of
kelp wave above. (photo: Gulf of the
Farallones NMS)

A rosy rockfish
Sebastes rosaceus rests near the
bottom in the Gulf of the Farallones.
(photo: Tony Chess)

A swirling mass of
jack mackerel Trachurus symmetricus
for a "bait ball" which draws feeding
seabirds and marine mammals. (photo Gulf
of the Farallones NMS)

Black-necked Stilts
rest in the shallow water of an estuary in
the Gulf of the Farallones. (photo: Gulf
of the Farallones NMS)

Shorebirds, like
Marbled Godwits and Willets, race in the
waves of Sanctuary beaches, probing the
sand with their long beaks in search of
food. (photo: Gulf of the Farallones

Brown Pelicans
inhabit open coastal waters along western
and eastern North America. During the
1970's, the pesticide DDT caused eggshell
thinning in many birds (including
Pelicans) causing severe declines in
populations. (photo: maria

A small octopus
hides amid the rocks in a shallow
tidepool. (photo: Joe Heath)

Two Spanish shawl
nudibranchs (or sea slugs) cavort in a
mating dance in the shallows of the
Sanctuary. Nudibranchs are very small,
averaging less than an inch in length.
(photo: Tony Chess)

A fully-opened giant
green anemone sits in a tidepool in Jewel
Cave on Southeast Farallon. (photo: Karina
Colorfull sea stars
decorate the algae-covered rocks of a
tidepool along the central California
Coast. (photo: Joe Heath)
Dungeness crabs are
common in the Gulf fo the Farallones and
are a favorite menu item at Fishermen's
Wharf in San Francisco. (photo: Gulf of
the Farallones NMS)
Pink coralline algae
forms branches in the rock intertidal of
the Sanctuary and provides shelter for
many small invertebrates. (photo: Joe

Branches of algae,
or seaweed, that cast ashore in the
tideline often resemble the branches of
terrestrial plants or trees. Because of
the insects and other organisms that cling
to it, this beach wrack is an important
foraging area for shorebirds. (photo: Joe
Sea palms are only
exposed during the lowest low tides. These
hardy miniature palms have strong
holdfasts and thrive in the intense force
of the waves. (photo: Joe