Within the near shore
environment, the kelp forests on OCNMS are critical
for countless species of fish, invertebrates,
seabirds and mammals. They ...click image for
more... (photo: Steve Fisher)

Dense stands of kelp cover
large areas along the rocky Olympic coastline,
thriving in up to 60 feet of water. These areas are
home to ..click image for more... (photo:
Olympic Coast NMS)

Giant stems and fronds of
kelp sway gently on the surface. (photo: Olympic
Coast NMS)

Nutrient rich near shore
waters sustain diverse bottom-dwelling habitats for
invertebrates, fishes and marine algae. (photo:
Steve Fisher)

Though less prolific than
rocky habitats, the Sanctuary's sand beaches teem
with life. (photo: Olympic Coast NMS)

Offshore rocks provide
nesting and roosting habitat for birds. These
remote rock islets are part of Quileute Needles
National Wildlife Refuge, ..click image for
more... (photo: Olympic Coast NMS)

Broad rocky inter tidal zones
and offshore islands create complex wildlife
habitat-rich feeding zones for fish, and
invertebrates as well as nest and perch habitats
for watchful bald eagles and peregrine falcons.
(photo: Olympic Coast NMS)

The Olympic Coast's
remoteness assures that inter tidal communities are
spared the pressure of sheer numbers of people. In
this wild environment, habitats remain intact and
organisms interact through natural processes,
including competition for space and predation.
(photo: Nancy Sefton)

Eroded headlands like Point
of Arches attest to forces of the sea as it
constantly assaults the shore. It is an irony of
the rocky inter tidal zone that ..click image
for more... (photo: Olympic Coast

Sand beaches are home to many
types of burrowing organisms. At high tide many
emerge to feed in the surging water. As the tide
recedes...click image for more... (photo:
Olympic Coast NMS)

The combination of wild
forest and wild ocean marks the boundaries of two
ecological systems. This boundary also forms a
tapestry ..click image for more... (photo:
Olympic Coast NMS)

Every surface in the rocky
inter tidal zone is used by something. Predatory
ochre sea stars roam among communities of green sea
anemones and rockweed searching for mussels.
(photo: Nancy Sefton)

Listed as threatened under
the Endangered Species Act, Stellar Sea Lions bask
on offshore haulouts in Olympic Coast...click
image for more... (photo: Olympic Coast

Gulls congregate on beaches
along the tidal fringe, scavenging morsels that
arrive with every wave. (photo: Olympic Coast

Olympic Coast NMS is
comprised of 3,310 square miles of ocean. Drifters,
like this moon jelly, travel on currents and feed
on plankton that is nourished in the mid-waters
where nutrient-rich deeper water mixes with the
sunlit surface layer. (photo: Steve

Tatoosh Island marks the
treacherous entrance to the Strait of Juan de Fuca
for ships. With its lighthouse now
automated,..click image for more... (photo:
Olympic Coast NMS)

Common murres.
(photo: Fred Sharpe)