Healthy marine and coastal ecosystems sustain us. They offer food, clean water, and recreational opportunities, and provide for the livelihoods of those who make their living from the ocean and Great Lakes. National marine sanctuaries offer unique opportunities for monitoring and research efforts to enhance our understanding of natural and historical resources and how to better protect and manage them.

Conservation Science
National marine sanctuaries are living laboratories where scientists study ocean resilience, ecosystem health, and the economic benefits of protected waters. From assessing the impact of conservation on coastal habitats and economies to researching sustainable recreation and blue carbon storage, these studies help communities thrive while safeguarding marine ecosystems.

National marine sanctuaries fuel local economies. Economists at the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries provide the best possible information to give all stakeholders a voice in the management of sanctuary resources and foster a more cooperative management process.

Maritime Heritage
NOAA’s national marine sanctuaries preserve shipwrecks, naval battlefields, and prehistoric sites, safeguarding our maritime heritage. These protected places offer opportunities for exploration, discovery, and a deeper connection to our nation’s seafaring past.

Marine Protected Areas
A marine protected area is an ocean or coastal space where human activities are managed to protect marine life, habitats, and cultural resources. The National Marine Protected Areas Center is the nation's hub for building innovative partnerships and tools to protect special ocean places, including your national marine sanctuaries.

Small Boat Program
Every national marine sanctuary depends on small boats for on-water research, monitoring, and maintenance operations. These efforts support sanctuary management plans tailored to local challenges and opportunities.