NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries Newsletter
From the western Pacific waters of American Samoa, east to the Atlantic Ocean, NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries manages a national network of special places, encompassing more than 620,000 square miles of U.S. ocean and Great Lakes waters. The Office of National Marine Sanctuaries publishes a national newsletter in electronic format and distributed via email to keep our colleagues, collaborators and you! informed about the many activities and accomplishments that take place within our 15 national marine sanctuaries and Papahānaumokuākea and Rose Atoll marine national monuments.

April 2023 Newsletter
- Sanctuary Designation for Pacific Remote Islands
- Frozen in Time: Researchers Discover Lost Shipwreck in Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary
- 2023 Final Management Plan for Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
- Climate Vulnerability Assessment Guide Available for Marine Protected Area Managers
- Climate Vulnerability Assessment Guide Available for Marine Protected Area Managers
- A Year of Advancing Research and Engagement Efforts in National Marine Sanctuaries: 2022 Sanctuary Accomplishment Reports
- NOAA’s Florida Keys and Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuaries Visitor Centers Revamped and Reopened

December 2022 Newsletter
- National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa Condition Report
- NOAA Seeks Applicants for Proposed Hudson Canyon National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council
- Marine and Coastal Area-based Management Advisory Committee
- The Results Are In! 2022 Get Into Your Sanctuary Photo Contest
- Strategic Plan and Long Term Vision for America’s Treasured Ocean Places
- NOAA announces award to better understand multi-stressor impacts on marine ecosystems under climate change
- 2022 Status of U.S. Marine and Great Lakes Ecosystems Released
September 2022 Newsletter
- Introducing National Marine Sanctuaries Forever® Stamps
- NOAA Seeks Public Comment on Restoration Blueprint for Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
- Coming Next Month: 50th Anniversary of the National Marine Sanctuary System
- #BackToSchool and Into Your Sanctuaries, New Business Advisory Council Members
- Are You Ready to Get Into Your Sanctuary?

June 2022 Newsletter
- Join us as we celebrate 50 Years of Ocean Conservation and Stewardship
- Proposed Designation of National Marine Sanctuary in Atlantic Ocean
- Alaĝum Kanuux̂ (Heart of the Ocean) added to Inventory of Successful Nominations
- Department of Commerce announces National Travel and Tourism Strateg
- NOAA's Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Featured in Netflix Documentary
- New Sanctuary Sound Monitoring Portal Unveiled
- Valor in the Atlantic Cruise Brings USS Monitor to You
- Our Blue Legacy: Fifty Years of Impact of the National Marine Sanctuary System

March 2022 Newsletter
- Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Condition Report Released
- Sanctuary nominations to remain on inventory
- Celebrating 50 Years of Ocean and Coastal Conservation
- Office of National Marine Sanctuaries publishes annual accomplishment reports
- 50th Anniversary Education Collections

December 2021 Newsletter
- Conserving and Restoring America the Beautiful
- Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Draft Management Plan
- Sanctuary Designation for Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument
- Sanctuary Designation for Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary
- Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Draft Management Plan
- Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Releases Final Management Plan
- Let's Celebrate 50 Years of Ocean Conservation and Stewardship

August 2021 Newsletter
- You're Invited to "Get Into Your Sanctuary" August 2-8, 2021!
- New National Marine Sanctuary proposed in Lake Ontario!
- SanctSound: Exploring underwater sounds within the U.S. National Marine Sanctuary System
- New NOAA Climate Council to enhance delivery of climate science and services
- NOAA Announces FY22 Multi-stressor Federal Funding Opportunity
- Conserving and Restoring America the Beautiful

June 2021 Newsletter
- NOAA Announces New National Marine Sanctuary in Lake Michigan
- NOAA has #PrideintheOcean
- New global partnership to elevate marine protected areas as tool in climate response
- #WildSanctuaries: Respect. Protect. Enjoy
- Look Back to Look Forward: NAPA Completes Review of Sanctuary System
- Office of National Marine Sanctuaries Recognized for Excellence in Digital Communications

March 2021 Newsletter
- Trail blazers and Rising Stars in Marine Science
- A Century of Women in Ocean Conservation
- Listening to the (Not So) Silent Underwater World
- Webinar: USS Conestoga
- African American Ties to Chesapeake Bay Region
- NOAA Team Gets Innovative

November 2020 Newsletter
- State of Papahānaumokuākea Monument resourcese
- NOAA releases Earth is Blue Magazine
- Get Into Your Sanctuary Photo Contest winners
- New black coral species discovered in Flower Gardens Banks
- The underwater world of living shipwrecks
- Small Boats in National Marine Sanctuaries

August 2020 Newsletter
- Watch Live - Exploring Shipwrecks in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
- Discover National Marine Sanctuaries on the ParkPassport Mobile App
- Get Into Your Sanctuary 2020 Photo Contest!
- Celebrating the 2020 Nancy Foster Scholars
- Webinar - Using Film to Drive Social Change
- $226 Million Goes Toward Gulf Restoration
- Video - Galapagos Sharks

July 2020 Newsletter
- Provide Input on Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary’s Draft Management Plan
- Get Into Your Sanctuary Photo Contest Open Through Labor Day
- Recreating Responsibly in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
- Get Into Your Sanctuary July 31st-August 2nd!
- Oasis in the Deep: Davidson Seamount
- Newly-Named Alga Chondria Tumolsa
- Webinar Series - Understanding Ocean Acidification

June 2020 Newsletter
- Capitol Hill Ocean Week Goes Virtual!
- Get Into Your Sanctuary Photo Contest
- Mallows Bay Sanctuary Advisory Council Seeks Applicants
- NOAA’s National Marine Protected Areas Center Celebrates 20 Years
- Celebrate National Historic Preservation Month in Your National Marine Sanctuary System
- Webinar Series - Exploring National Marine Sanctuaries: Diving into Telepresence Education Programs and Resources
- Video Highlight - Wreck of Lucinda Van Valkenburg in Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary

May 2020 Newsletter
- Provide comment on the proposed expansion of Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary
- Looking for adventure while you're at home? Explore National Marine Sanctuaries online
- New Research Sheds Light on Humpback Whale Nursing Behavior
- A Balancing Act: Foster Scholar Nury Molina Studies How Fish Keep Coral Reefs Healthy
- Webinar Series - Earth is Blue: Educational Videos About Your National Marine Sanctuaries
- Video Highlight- Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary

February 2020 Newsletter
- 2019 Accomplishment Reports for the National Marine Sanctuary System
- Provide Comment on Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary’s Management Plan Review
- Can Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Serve as a Local Refuge Against Ocean Acidification?
- National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) highlights national marine sanctuaries
- Webinar Series - Empowering Young Water Scientists with the EarthEcho Water Challenge!
- Video - Honu (green sea turtle)

December 2019 Newsletter
- NOAA and partners launch Mission: Iconic Reefs
- Video - Whale fall in Monterey National Marine Sanctuary
- NOAA awards funding for mesophotic reef research in National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa
- Battle of Midway shipwrecks discovered in Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument
- OneNOAA Science Seminar Series; are you on the weekly email list?
- Donated motors get Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary research vessel moving
- Fly fishing brings military veterans to Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary

October 2019 Newsletter
- Celebrate the designation of Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary
- Provide comment on Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Management Plan review
- Now accepting applications for the Proposed Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council
- ‘Get In Your Sanctuary" Photo Contest Winners Announced
- Students take action against single use plastic
- Video: Grouper spawning site at Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary

August 2019 Newsletter
- Provide comment on proposed updates to Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
- Researchers observe coral reef damage and invasive alga in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument
- Watch Live: Exploring Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary
- Bringing NOAA into your classroom
- Earth is Blue: Annual magazine of the national marine sanctuaries
- National Marine Sanctuary Webinar Series - September webinar
- Video - A Blueprint for the Future: Restoring Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary

July 2019 Newsletter
- NOAA designates Mallows Bay- Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary
- Public comment period on proposed national marine sanctuary in Lake Ontario open through July 31
- Join us August 2-4 to "Get Into Your Sanctuary"
- Get Into Your Sanctuary photo contest through September 2
- Fighting for North Atlantic right whales
- Video - Fishing Happens Here

April 2019 Newsletter
- New proposed national marine sanctuary in Lake Ontario
- Mark Your Calendars! Get Into Your Sanctuary!
- Boaters Beware: Florida Keys waters are tricky
- Students Bond Over Robotics
- Recreational Fishing Funding Opportunity

March 2019 Newsletter
- Recreational boating & fishing groups join NOAA in sustainable fishing efforts
- Diving into the past
- Hope for the ocean’s future
- Earth Is Blue Annual Magazine Out Now!
- Students for Zero Waste Week 2019 - Registration is now open!
- Video - Return of the king

December 2018 Newsletter
- The National Marine Sanctuary Legacy of President George H.W. Bush
- National Marine Sanctuaries Honor U.S. Veterans with Vet Into Your Sanctuary
- Ocean Guardian School Program Helps Protect National Marine Sanctuary Resources
- Dark Water Journey
- Gulper Eel Sighting

November 2018 Newsletter
- Octopus! Exploring the Depths of Our Ocean
- Congratulations Nancy Foster Scholars
- Seeking Nominations for the Marine Protected Areas Advisory Council
- Deep-Sea Habitats Along the West Coast
- Winning Photos of "Get Into Your Sanctuary" Photo Contest
- Plan a Trip to a National Marine Sanctuary

October 2018 Newsletter
- Exploring the Unknown Beneath the Sea
- Recognizing Excellence in Tomorrow’s Leaders
- Students Take a Stand Against Marine Plastic Pollution by Adopting Zero Waste Practices
- New Leadership at Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
- Stories From the Blue

Celebrate the Ocean
- Explore national marine sanctuaries with our new interactive site map
- NOAA and Florida Keys fishing guides working together towards sustainability
- Is poor water quality killing coral?
- The untold stories of World War I
- Birds flock to National Marine Sanctuaries
- Stories From the Blue
- Get Into Your Sanctuary Photo Contest

April 2018 Newsletter
- Get Into Your Sanctuary Days are coming up!
- Partnerships Power Efforts to Protect Blue Whales and Blue Skies
- Announcement: Submit your application for Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary projects by May 4
- Power of the Crowd
- Pacific Islander/Asian American Heritage Month in National Marine Sanctuaries
- Capitol Hill Ocean Week kicks off in June

March 2018 Newsletter
- Under a watchful eye, the coral reefs of Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary show signs of resilience
- The USS Monitor: A feat of naval ingenuity and the first national marine sanctuary
- Cataloging the depths of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
- Visit Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary

February 2018 Newsletter
- ONMS Celebrates African American History Month with New Story Map
- Underwater Landscaping: Foster Scholar Lindsay Marks removes invasive seaweeds around CINMS
- Finding sanctuary for right whales: A Q&A with Dr. David Wiley
- Pop Quiz: How do you disentangle a 40-ton whale from a tangle of gear?
- New Toolkit Helps Students and Teachers in the Fight Against Marine Debris
- Students lead the zero waste movement by combating marine debris
- Sanctuaries Webpage - now ¡en Español!

Looking Back and Moving Forward: Victories for the Ocean, Wins for All
- 45 Years of America's Underwater Parks
- Spotlight on 2017
- NOAA's New Deputy Director of Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Dr. Rebecca Holyoke
- NOAA and Partners Assess Reef, Aid Recovery Following Hurricane Irma
- Earth is Blue Anniversary Video

Valuing National Marine Sanctuaries
- Monuments & Sanctuaries: What’s the Difference?
- It Takes a Community
- Dive into your National Marine Sanctuaries Virtually!
- Exploring the Deep Coral Gardens of Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
- Stories from the Blue
- Capitol Hill Ocean Week

Past, Present, Future
- Eight Amazing Things that Happened across your National Marine Sanctuary System
- Our Vision for America’s Treasured Ocean Places
- Ocean Guardian Schools: Action-Based Environmental Education
- Stories from the Blue: Kimokeo Kapahulehua

Sanctuaries Support Communities
- NOAA Moves to Conserve Shipwrecks in Two New Sanctuaries
- Communities and the Blue Economy
- Volunteering in Sanctuaries

Research in Sanctuaries
- Sentinel Sites in Action
- Birds as Indicators of Ecosystem Health
- Exploring the Battle of the Atlantic