Monitor National Marine Sanctuary Science Needs

view of the wreck of uss monitor under water. a diver is swimming near by
The wreck of the USS Monitor, a Civil War era ironclad, is a valuable historical and cultural resource that has the potential to be influenced by climate change. Photo: NOAA

Learn more about the immediate science needs for critical management issues. For a full list of management issues and science needs, please review the MNMS Management Plan. To contact us about the science needs described below, contact the Sanctuary Research Coordinators.

The effects of climate change, including rising water temperatures and sea levels, ocean acidification, shifting species, and altered weather patterns, have the potential to impact Monitor National Marine Sanctuary. (Updated March 2022)

A better understanding of the socioeconomic impacts of Monitor National Marine Sanctuary, as well as public perception of the sanctuary and its resources, is needed to make informed management decisions. (Updated March 2022)

Monitor National Marine Sanctuary protects the remains of the shipwreck USS Monitor. Documenting and monitoring USS Monitor is a critical component of sanctuary management and will provide a better overall understanding of the story of the sanctuary and surrounding region. (Updated March 2022)

Analysis of the potential for corrosion among submerged historical material is required to make informed management decisions regarding Monitor National Marine Sanctuary and aid in predictive modeling. (Updated March 2022)

Ecological data must be collected within Monitor National Marine Sanctuary to better understand the site’s biological resources and the role of USS Monitor as a habitat. (Updated March 2022)