Engaging the Next Generation of Marine Scientists with Storytelling and Culturally Relevant Media

November 14, 2023

Dr. Tammy Silva, Research Marine Ecologist at Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary and Ben Gilbarg, Director of STEAM the Streets

How can we help build a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive Marine Science workforce? How can we help youth see it so they can be it? Reaching youth in culturally relevant, creative ways that they can relate to, is essential for accomplishing this.

STEAM the Streets specializes in producing unique content that promotes career paths in STEM and the Arts (STEAM), and through their experience as educators and youth developers, have a proven recipe for keeping youth engaged.

NOAA’s Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Marine Ecologist, Tammy Silva, partnered up with STEAM the Streets to create videos and a learning module to reach, engage, and educate youth about the triumphs and challenges of a career in Marine Ecology. The learning module and videos are included in the free STEAM the Streets mobile app, and the content can be utilized outside of the app to educate students in a classroom setting. In this webinar, educators will hear about the career module content, learn about the app, and receive access to the free materials so that they can implement the app or the lesson with their classes.