Earth Is Blue Magazine
NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries publishes a yearly magazine in print and electronic formats. Through vivid images and engaging articles, Earth Is Blue: The Magazine of the National Marine Sanctuaries brings sanctuaries directly to the American public, so you can experience the wonder of our ocean and Great Lakes even if you don't live nearby.

Earth Is Blue Magazine - Volume 6
- Welcome a New Sanctuary
- Fostering Ocean Stewardship: Jay V. Haigler
- Fishing for the Future: Captain David Bacon
- Beyond Access
- Changing Sanctuaries
- Saving Iconic Reefs: Sarah Fangman
- Storing Blue Carbon
- Outside of the Comfort Zone: Nadia Alomari
- Along for the Glide
- Connecting to New Audiences: Jennifer Stock
- Learning from a Distance

Earth Is Blue Magazine - Volume 5
- Protecting the Ghost Fleet: Susan Langley
- An Ocean of Discovery
- An Ocean Way of Life: Paula Stevenson McDonald
- Into the Depths and Back in Time
- Ushering in a New Era of National Marine Sanctuaries
- The Hawaiian Archipelago is a Genealogy: Kalani Quiocho
- Whale Fall in the Deep Sea
- Destruction in Pristine Habitats
- Saving the Right Whales: Stormy Mayo
- Mysteries of the Deep
- Mission: Iconic Reefs
- Remembering Greg McFall
- Teaching a Neighborhood to Fish: Kevin Brannon
- Ocean Cultura
- Making a Splash Against Trash
- Your Earth is Blue

Earth Is Blue Magazine - Volume 4
- Dark Water Journey: Eva Pagaling
- Shipwrecked Sponges
- Honoring the Tuskegee Airmen
- Blue Star for the Ocean: Captain Will Benson
- Black Sea Bass
- Hidden Gem: The Samoan Dive Experience
- Diving Into History
- There's Some-Fin Special About Sanctuaries
- Sharks in your National Marine Sanctuary System
- Conservation Photography: Keith Ellenbogen
- Hawaiian Monk Seal
- Octopus's Garden
- Paws up for Science: Jessie Hale
- Return of the King
- Navigating an Ocean of Change
- Guardians of the Ocean: Susan Dahlgren, Gault School
- Laysan Albatross

Earth Is Blue Magazine - June 2018
- Diving with a Purpose
- Finding History
- Gateway to the Ocean
- A Passion for the Sea: Jacqueline Laverdure
- A Life Devoted to the Keys: Mimi Stafford
- Making Connections: Dr. Cori Kane
- Seabirds Count: Kevin Powers
- Get into Your Sanctuary
- Surfing Sanctuaries
- Faraway Ocean: A journey into Distant Sanctuaries
- Through the Lens of a Sanctuary Advocate
- Science and Sanctuaries in Sync
- Finding Sanctuary for Right Whales
- Inspiring the Next Generation

Earth Is Blue Magazine - June 2017
- An Impact for Special Places
- Three Miles from Safety
- Protecting a Way of Life
- Windows to Sanctuaries
- Malicious but Delicious: A Recipe
- From Mauka to Makai
- Exploration, Stewardship, Connection
- Wrecked on a Reef
- Windows to Sanctuaries
- Gateways to Sanctuaries
- Undersea Architecture
- Listening In
- Do You Sea Love?

Earth Is Blue Magazine - June 2016
- An Impact for Special Places
- Take only Memories
- Stories from the Blue
- ¿Qué Bolá Cuba?
- Learning from the Past to Protect the Future
- Freeing a Giant
- In Hot Water
- From Compassion to Action