Human Health
Olympic Coast

Why is it a concern?
Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary is remote from population and industrial centers that are sources of contaminants and pathogens that may impact human health. Natural phenomena, specifically harmful algal blooms (HABs), do pose a risk to humans through consumption of contaminated shellfish, particularly bivalves. During HAB events, filter feeding organisms, such as clams and mussels, can concentrate toxins originating in microscopic algae, rendering the shellfish toxic to consumers. For centuries, consumers of bivalves in the Pacific Northwest have known about paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), a condition caused by saxitoxins produced by planktonic dinoflagellates. In 1991, domoic acid, a neurotoxin produced by diatoms in the genus Pseudo-nitzschia that causes amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP), was first detected in clams on Washington’s outer coast. Additional planktonic sources of biotoxins in local waters are being discovered and investigated today.
Since monitoring was initiated in the early 1990’s, biotoxins in shellfish have exceeded the state’s allowable levels on average once or twice a year on Washington’s outer coast and have led to shellfish closures. The state Department of Health has received no reports of shellfish poisoning in humans on the outer coast since 1991, although exposures have been reported from other areas in Washington.
Overview of Research
Research conducted by sanctuary scientists and partners provides critical information to address existing and emerging resource conservation and management issues. The Overview of Research highlights some, but not necessarily all, of the research activities completed or ongoing at the sanctuary.
Project Name | PI and contacts | Links |
Blue Water Task Force |
Surfrider Foundation | |
Shellfish Program |
Washington State Department of Heath |
Northwest Fisheries Science Center Harmful Algal Blooms Program |
Vera Trainer, NMFS |
Olympic Region Harmful Algal Bloom (ORHAB) partnership |
Daniel Ayers, WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife |
Science Needs and Questions
There is a general need for improved characterization of nearshore oceanographic conditions in OCNMS. Currently, they are poorly characterized with respect to temporal and spatial dynamics and associated ecological processes. Specifically, this includes questions about initiation, distribution and persistence of HABs.
- Can existing oceanographic data, including OCNMS mooring data, be used as a predictive tool for HAB events?
- Are there oceanographic parameters that correlate with HAB events for which increased monitoring is needed?
- What is the role of the Juan de Fuca Eddy in initiation of HAB events?
- What conditions correlate with or trigger production of biotoxins in HAB species?
Education and Outreach Material
Washington Department of Health, Recreational Shellfish Harvest Closure information
National Marine Fisheries Service - Water quality
National Marine Fisheries Service - The Hunt for Killer Algae
National Marine Fisheries Service - Harmful Algal Blooms
Washington SeaGrant - Harmful Algal Blooms
Washington SeaGrant - Shellfish in Washington
Juan de Fuca Eddy Steering Committee. 2004. The Big Eddy - Proceedings of the Western Juan de Fuca Ecosystem Symposium. Western Juan de Fuca Ecosystem Symposium 10-11 May 2004, Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney, B.C. Canada. Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society. 141 pp.
Trainer, Vera L., Barbara M. Hickey, and Rita A. Horner. 2002. Biological and physical dynamics of domoic acid production off the Washington coast. Limnology and Oceanography 47.5: 1438-1446.