Appendix II: Procedural Specifics to Consider for Project Planning and Conducting Meetings

photo of a meeting - people sitting around the room

Team members, alternates
Resource personnel, including professional facilitator/s
Brief bios & specific role function, expertise, background

Location of site—Consider alternating b/t Agency and Tribe
Logistics & expenses, including meals, snacks, other
Breakout rooms for caucusing
Table and seating arrangements

Dates, times, frequency, timeframe
Project completion date and other deadlines

Agenda & ground rules development:
How, when, who?  Parameters of subject matter?
Rules of behavior and courtesy
Revisions and additional items

Decision-makers present?
Ratification process needed outside table process?
Overall ratification
What are the “decision rules”?  E.g., consensus, majority, a mixture?
Confidentiality issues

Records and information-sharing:
Confidentiality issues
What methods for official recording of process?  What format?
How, when, & with whom will official records be shared? 
Personal note taking
Notices (including proposed agendas) & schedules (Timely!)

Confidentiality & sensitivity issues
Press contacts & releases
Joint presentations

Process for table meetings:
Cultural considerations, e.g., opening & closing prayer
Seating configuration
Discussion format
Meeting roles, e.g., facilitators, chairpersons, timekeepers, note-takers, etc.
“Decision rules”
Breaking impasse – formal &/or informal processes & conditions
Dispute resolution agreement