Recreation - Volume 5 - Non-Market Value of Recreation Use Technical Appendix

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1 provides background information on the project partnerships, describes the survey methodology, and identifies the jurisdictions/sub-areas for which estimates were made.
Chapter 2: Survey Methodology
A detailed description of the survey development including focus groups, pre-testing, and work with the natural resource experts is presented here. Further, the contingent choice analysis experimental design is discussed as it applies to this research.
Chapter 3: Definitions of Variables used in Models and Model Estimation
The variables used in the economic models to estimate the non-market value of the resources are presented here. The natural resource attributes valued are: marine mammals, seabirds, opportunity to see large predators, tide pool organism diversity and access, clean water, beach and shoreline quality measured by marine debris and harmful algal blooms, onshore and offshore development and crowdedness. Descriptive statistics for these attributes and other variables are include. Further, the econometric models used and the estimated coefficients are provided.
Chapter 4: Total Annual Value for Changing Conditions
In this chapter, the total valuation functions are used to evaluate changes in the total non-market economic value for changes in the natural resource conditions. All changes are from the low condition (Status Quo) to higher conditions (i.e., medium or high). The Status Quo (Low Condition) is not valued, only changes from the Status Quo can be estimated with the approach used.
Chapter 5: Conclusions and Future Research
Chapter 5 presents the conclusions of the report and how the information can be used. This chapter also provides suggestions for future research to expand the research and knowledge.